Tham khảo Bộ_Cung_thú

  1. Romer, A. S. (1966) [1933]. Vertebrate Paleontology (ấn bản 3). University of Chicago Press. 
  2. therapsid (fossil reptile order) - Encyclopedia Britannica
  3. M. Laurin & R. R. Reisz. 1996. The osteology and relationships of Tetraceratops insignis, the oldest known therapsid. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 16(1): 95-102.
  4. J. Liu, B. Rubidge & J. Li, New basal synapsid supports Laurasian origin for therapsids, 2009, Acta Palaeontol. Pol., 54 (3): 393-400

Bản mẫu:Therapsida

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